Tuesday, June 14, 2011

O2 FOOD & DRINK > Who can benefit from raw treats and snacks?

Korean traditional snacks on the street
by Dr. DAMIGO; PhD

I believe that everyone can reap the life-enhancing rewards of the enzymes and whole nutrition in these snacks, as well as their full, rich flavors.

It's time to put an end to:

  • Being helplessly drawn to calorie-rich, unhealthy fast foods that make you sick
  • Feeling bloated or tired after snacking
  • Fighting a losing battle against the bulge
  • Daily guilt trips after snacking
  • Feeling like there are no options except sugary, greasy fast food
  • Complex recipes that require expensive, hard-to-find ingredients
  • Being unable to find nourishing snacks unless you have hours to make them yourself
  • Health food that tastes like health food (and not in a good way!)
If any of the above echo your frustrations with healthy and unhealthy snacks, then 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats is right for you.

Living Foods Could Save Your Life

Unlike the sugary, fat-laden, processed snacks consumed by most Americans, raw foods are grown from the earth and are not cooked, treated, chemically modified, or processed between the time they're harvested and the moment they're served. Raw, living foods can be heated, but not above the temperature at which enzymes and other nutrients are destroyed. They are whole foods in their natural state.

Some prime examples include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. If a food is raw, then it's still alive. A raw bean or nut can be immersed in water and sprouted - but a cooked nut will never sprout. That's how you know if the enzymes have been killed and the fats and proteins in the food may be unhealthy and rancid.

Eating more of these raw, enzyme-rich foods every day - and less of the cooked foods that we are so accustomed to - can literally change your life. Raw treats and snacks offer a smart, delicious alternative to baked cookies, cakes, pies, and other sweets. They provide clean, natural energy that can help you lose weight, look better than you ever have before, and even extend your life.

100 Raw Snacks and Treats

I believe so strongly in the importance of raw, living foods that I've created my own recipes for desserts, snacks, and treats that satisfy my sweet tooth - and do much more for my health than the empty-calorie sweets and fast foods I used to crave.

I've created over 100 recipes for natural, unbaked pies and squares made with nuts, seeds, dates, raisins, coconut, cocoa, and other luscious raw ingredients: fruit pies, lemon squares, raw "ice cream", almond cookies, and more. They're so good, you won't believe how simple they are to make - and how great they are for your health, vitality, mental clarity, and fitness!

Every one of these natural raw snack and dessert recipes is:
  • Wheat free and gluten free
  • Sugar free
  • Dairy free
  • Soy free
  • Raw and unprocessed
  • Quick and easy to make, with no baking or cooking required
  • Loaded with vitamins, enzymes, and energy
  • Absolutely delicious
If you're used to indulging in a daily donut or snacking on chips when the munchies hit, these raw treats will change your life as much as they have changed mine. You'll experience renewed energy and mental clarity. That feeling of bloating will disappear as your body begins to burn fat more quickly. In weeks, you'll forget why you ever used to make such unhealthy snack choices and you'll never want to go back.

What Are You Waiting For?

Now that I'm eating raw treats and desserts instead of the baked ones I used to buy at work, I feel lighter, stronger, and more resilient. You can discover the same simple health revelation with natural, raw treats that replace the unhealthy snacks so many people rely on.

Natural, unbaked, easy to prepare, and totally delicious: what more could you ask for in a snack or dessert? If you want to look great, feel great, stop crashing from low blood sugar in the middle of the work day, lower your risk of diabetes, and stop hunger and cravings from making you feel bad, then there is no better gift to yourself than my introduction to raw "uncooking" with 100 Healthy Raw Snacks and Treats.


Click Here!

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